Author: Mischa Eliot

☄Author of Erotic Romance😏 🎧Quiet Cohost of #TheSexualitySpace❤ 🖱Virtual Assistant🔎 ⚙Jill of Many Skills💻 🌱Plant Momma🌾 🐺Lover of Wolves💝 💋She/Her🧷
A Penny for Your Thoughts: Remember, Fiction isn’t Real

A Penny for Your Thoughts: Remember, Fiction isn’t Real

I decided after a few interactions and conversations, it was time for a reminder. I want you to say this out loud: Fiction isn’t real. Go ahead, say it with me: Fiction isn’t Real. This shouldn’t be something I have to say here, being as everything on this website from my name to my stories…

Dryad by Sawaof

Sizzling Nibbles: Reviving the Orchard

In case you missed it, last night was #SpookySmutSlam! This is the story the ether slammed into me in spurts and sputters. I hope you enjoy it. Choking, burning, darkness. Pain. Alive. Intruder! Heart-wrenching devastation dropped me to my knees. When I read the property details, the words did not convey an accurate picture. Wildfires…

A Penny for your Thoughts

A Penny for your Thoughts: Identifying with Soulless Sam

It explains a lot going on with me right now, including the difficulty of getting back into writing. If you’re not a big enough fan (or a fan at all) of Supernatural, I’ll include a video of Sam being Soulless at the end. In the show Supernatural the soul is considered a powerful thing. It’s…