What is Ream Stories?

Ream is the best subscription platform for authors, built by authors. A space where super fans can access exclusive content of their favorite authors and gain access to their communities. – directly from their front page.

Why Subscribe?

I’m offering several options on Ream so you can pick what you want. I may offer an umbrella tier (depending on feedback) that encompasses all tiers. Let me know on the community page or via email if you’d like to see that and what you’re willing/able to pay to give me an idea of what to charge.

Stand Alone Stories receives:
  • My everlasting appreciation
  • All stand alone one-shots short stories
  • ebook versions if story is long enough

Tier Price: $5.00/month

Complex Serial Stories receives:
  • My everlasting appreciation
  • Serial ongoing stories
  • ebook versions when finished

Tier Price: $5.00/month

Stand/Alone Complex receives:
  • My everlasting appreciation
  • Everything in the Stand Alone and Complex tiers
  • Ebooks of bundles of one-shots
  • Ebooks of finished serials

Tier Price: $7.00/month
(And yes, this is a Ghost in the Shell Reference.)

Revelry Ranch Hands will receive:
  • My everlasting appreciation
  • ebook version (format specifications to come)
  • Character Profiles
  • Bonus Stories
  • Landing Page Dedication as a Ranch Hand

Tier Price: $25.00/month

Maintenance Men Escorts will receive:
  • My everlasting appreciation
  • ebook version (format specifications to come)
  • Character Profiles
  • Bonus Stories
  • Landing Page Dedication as a Maintenance Men Escort

Tier Price: $25.00/month

Revelry Island Crew will receive:
  • My everlasting appreciation
  • ebook version (format specifications to come)
  • Character Profiles
  • Bonus Stories
  • ebooks Short Stories and Novellas of guests visiting Revelry Island
  • Landing Page Dedication as a Revelry Island Crew member

Tier Price: $25.00/month

Revelry Island Investors will receive:
  • My eternal appreciation
  • Signed Paperbacks of all three main trilogies (The Maintenance Men, Revelry Ranch, and Revelry Island)
  • Ebooks of short stories and novellas of guests visiting Revelry Island
  • Character Profiles
  • Bonus Scenes
  • Landing Page Dedication as a Revelry Island Investor

Tier Price: $50.00/month

Revelry Island Investor Dedication

Dr. J.

Reverly Ranch Hands Dedication

Your. Name. Here.

Maintenance Men Escorts Dedication

Your. Name. Here.

Reverly Island Crew Dedication

Your. Name. Here.