A Penny for your Thoughts

A Penny for Your Thoughts: Remember, Fiction isn’t Real

A Penny for Your Thoughts: Remember, Fiction isn’t Real

I decided after a few interactions and conversations, it was time for a reminder. I want you to say this out loud: Fiction isn’t real. Go ahead, say it with me: Fiction isn’t Real. This shouldn’t be something I have to say here, being as everything on this website from my name to my stories…

A Penny for your Thoughts

A Penny for your Thoughts: Identifying with Soulless Sam

It explains a lot going on with me right now, including the difficulty of getting back into writing. If you’re not a big enough fan (or a fan at all) of Supernatural, I’ll include a video of Sam being Soulless at the end. In the show Supernatural the soul is considered a powerful thing. It’s…

Snapchat screenshot of delete snap? prompt

A Penny for your Thoughts: Shame on you for Shaming

Let’s talk about Shaming Someone I adore recently sent a SnapChat photo of the cover of Best Women’s Erotica of the Year Volume 3 to her story. I lent her my copy when she expressed interest after reading Chemical [se]X 2: Just One More and her relative swiped Big Book of Submission Volume 2 I’d…

Mural near JAX Bus Station

A Penny for Your Thoughts: Smothering Wet Blanket

Hello there and welcome back. First, let me attempt to apologize for neglecting this space. I’ve been dealing with a crazy emotional fallout period. I feel like the smothering wet blanket has finally lifted. Sorry, it happens to me a lot and I usually push through. This time, I couldn’t. Second, a lot has been…

A Penny for your Thoughts

A Penny for your Thoughts: Here’s looking at you, 2019

Looking back at all the times I let procrastination win in 2018 means one thing in 2019… It has GOT TO GO. I procrastinated so much in 2018 that the entire year almost feels a complete waste. Whether this means using a pomodoro timer or the annoying one on the microwave I use while cooking,…

A Penny for your Thoughts

A Penny for your Thoughts: Proximity Alert

Those of us that write, live, or both regarding the BDSM Lifestyle tend to focus on one major item above all others (or I hope they do…). A specific word that conveys many feelings and comes with the heaviest of weight. Consent. Without consent, it’s abuse. But what about outside the kinky bedroom activities? This…

A Penny for your Thoughts

A Penny for your Thoughts: I’m Not Single*

I’ve decided to no longer identify myself as “single” when it comes to my relationship status. Read on to find out more! Again, I’ve been subjected to the indignity of being single twice in two weeks. Usually I have a few months between these ridiculous accusations that because I’m not partnered up, I must be unhappy with my existence. How…

A Penny for your Thoughts: Importance of Self-Care

A Penny for your Thoughts: Importance of Self-Care

Self-Care is super important. I’m not talking about just having a day or night off where you do whatever you want or need in order to slough off the negative happenings going on. I’m talking about professional self-care. I highly recommend looking for a local spa with a good reputation and making an appointment. I…

A Penny for Your Thoughts: Returning to Reality

A Penny for Your Thoughts: Returning to Reality

Well, my vacation in the mountains is officially over. I’m sure you think I’m going to brag about how much writing I have gotten accomplished. Well, I’m not. Other than the Thanksgiving post below this one and a few paragraphs here and there, nothing-nada-zilch. I’ll be completely refreshed and full of ideas. I honestly hope…

A Penny for your Thoughts

A Penny for Your Thoughts: Sharing from Your Kindle

We’re all very busy people! Who has time to write reviews? (Please keep writing reviews, I’m being a wee bit sarcastic here!) There’s a feature I stumbled upon accidentally when I highlighted some text. I knew about highlighting previously – for like reference and to copy and search, or maybe get a definition for a…