Author: Mischa Eliot

☄Author of Erotic Romance😏 🎧Quiet Cohost of #TheSexualitySpace❤ 🖱Virtual Assistant🔎 ⚙Jill of Many Skills💻 🌱Plant Momma🌾 🐺Lover of Wolves💝 💋She/Her🧷
Mural near JAX Bus Station

A Penny for Your Thoughts: Smothering Wet Blanket

Hello there and welcome back. First, let me attempt to apologize for neglecting this space. I’ve been dealing with a crazy emotional fallout period. I feel like the smothering wet blanket has finally lifted. Sorry, it happens to me a lot and I usually push through. This time, I couldn’t. Second, a lot has been…

Check What’s Up: Alive and Well and Busy

Check What’s Up: Alive and Well and Busy

Hey everyone, it’s your friendly neighborhood smut merchant stopping in to say HELLO! I’m still alive, I’m well, and I’m super busy. Marketing: Working on an article about Marketing with Hootsuite while Marketing with Hootsuite. (I don’t feel that I have a lot to market, but perhaps the article will help others who have way…

Sexy Blonde in Bra and Panties holding Crop

Adventures in Writing: Writing Realistic Kink

[Originally posted on Sisters in Smut} Let’s Talk About Writing Realistic Kinky Sex Hi, I’m Mischa Eliot and I write kinky stories about fictional characters who enjoy being bound in rope or cuffs, spanked, flogged, teased until they beg to come, and more. I’m here to help you create realistic characters for kinky fuckery with…

Adventures in Writing

Adventures in Writing: Soak it in the Muse Juice

Yes, I said it again. And I’ll keep saying it. MUSE JUICE. I don’t know where the fuck it came from, but apparently my brain has latched on like a leech in a precarious area you can’t quite reach. If someone tells you they’re having a difficult time writing, believe them. Something happened and things…

Featured From Elsewhere: 14 Places To Get FREE Lesbian Erotica — Nicci Haydon

Featured From Elsewhere: 14 Places To Get FREE Lesbian Erotica — Nicci Haydon

Featured From Elsewhere: Nicci Haydon’s List of 14 Places to get FREE Lesbian Erotica Nicci, much loved by me, (she’s been with me since I embarked upon this erotica writing adventure) shares her knowledge when it comes to finding Lesbian Erotica. And, let me tell you, she knows her stuff! If you love lesbian stories,…

A Penny for your Thoughts

A Penny for your Thoughts: Here’s looking at you, 2019

Looking back at all the times I let procrastination win in 2018 means one thing in 2019… It has GOT TO GO. I procrastinated so much in 2018 that the entire year almost feels a complete waste. Whether this means using a pomodoro timer or the annoying one on the microwave I use while cooking,…

Top Ten Things: Not to Ask an Erotica Author

Top Ten Things: Not to Ask an Erotica Author

[Originally Posted on Sisters in Smut] Imagine you’re an erotic romance or erotica author. You’ve written stories that contain steamy smut and debauchery across the board. You’re sitting at a table with a stack of books waiting for you to sign for the fans lined up at the door of the bookstore. Or maybe you’re…