should be writing stories but I wrote a blog post instead

Adventures in Writing

Adventures in Writing: Name That Character

What’s in a character name anyway? To some people, everything. To others, it’s just something to call the character and there’s no meaning whatsoever. One of the most controversial things I’ve ever researched happens to be about naming your characters. The name has to mean something! If your character is an evil villain you’ve got…

A Penny for your Thoughts

A Penny for your Thoughts: I’m Not Single*

I’ve decided to no longer identify myself as “single” when it comes to my relationship status. Read on to find out more! Again, I’ve been subjected to the indignity of being single twice in two weeks. Usually I have a few months between these ridiculous accusations that because I’m not partnered up, I must be unhappy with my existence. How…

A Penny for your Thoughts: Importance of Self-Care

A Penny for your Thoughts: Importance of Self-Care

Self-Care is super important. I’m not talking about just having a day or night off where you do whatever you want or need in order to slough off the negative happenings going on. I’m talking about professional self-care. I highly recommend looking for a local spa with a good reputation and making an appointment. I…

A Penny for your Thoughts

A Penny for Your Thoughts: Sharing from Your Kindle

We’re all very busy people! Who has time to write reviews? (Please keep writing reviews, I’m being a wee bit sarcastic here!) There’s a feature I stumbled upon accidentally when I highlighted some text. I knew about highlighting previously – for like reference and to copy and search, or maybe get a definition for a…