Author: Mischa Eliot

☄Author of Erotic Romance😏 🎧Quiet Cohost of #TheSexualitySpace❤ 🖱Virtual Assistant🔎 ⚙Jill of Many Skills💻 🌱Plant Momma🌾 🐺Lover of Wolves💝 💋She/Her🧷
Erotic Journal Challenge: When You Think Romantic Love, You Think…

Erotic Journal Challenge: When You Think Romantic Love, You Think…

When you think romantic love, you think (fill in the blank). While I find certain things to be romantic, my version of romantic love is not what most people would call romantic love. I’m possibly a hopeless romantic in some ways. I want to see the good in every single person I come into contact…

Erotic Journal Challenge 03.11.2022

Erotic Journal Challenge: What’s Your Most Tame Sexual Fantasy?

What is your most tame sexual fantasy? My most TAME sexual fantasy? I… have never been asked this question ever. Usually people want to know what’s the wildest thing you’ve done, where’s the craziest place you’ve had sex, what’s the kinkiest you’ve gotten…. Or, what’s the sexual fantasy you’re sure you’ll never get to experience…

Erotic Journal Challenge 03.10.22

Erotic Journal Challenge: What’s Missing From Your Romantic Life?

What is missing from your intimate, romantic, and/or sexual life? First, OW. What’s missing? Intimacy, romance, and partnered sex. Am I a romantic? Do I enjoy intimacy? Yes. Just reading this made me feel like I was stabbed. I feel so attacked. Let me see if I can pick the pieces up and give an…

Erotic Journal Challenge: Intimacy, Romance, and Sex, oh my!

Erotic Journal Challenge: Intimacy, Romance, and Sex, oh my!

What messages did your caregivers give you about intimacy, romance, and/or sex as a child? The only sex education I had growing up was in the ‘we don’t talk about it’ category. I don’t even really remember my parents ever kissing in front of me. My mom was pretty… I don’t know how to describe…

Erotic Journal Challenge: What Makes Someone A Good Lover?

Erotic Journal Challenge: What Makes Someone A Good Lover?

In what ways is your partner a good lover? I can’t answer this question since I don’t currently have a partner. Sure, I’m seeing someone, but we haven’t reached the partner-level yet. Will we? That remains to be seen. Do I think he’d be a good lover? Yes. We did get to have some fun…

Erotic Journal Challenge: Sex Type Personality

Erotic Journal Challenge: Sex Type Personality

Today’s erotic journal challenge is for the Sex Type Personality Test. I am slightly confused about some of my results… let’s do this! Here is your direct link to Sex Type Me Test. Analytical vs. Emotional You are ruled by your emotional impulses and make decisions with your heart rather than your head. Romantic complications…

Erotic Journal Challenge: Sex Personality Test

Erotic Journal Challenge: Sex Personality Test

Queendom’s Sex Personality Test is today’s Erotic Journal Challenge I’m not sure why, but the link worked for me yesterday but not today. I went to the Queendom website, but couldn’t find a direct link (maybe it’s named something else) to the sex personality test. So, I did what I always do: I googled. Here…

Erotic Journal Challenge 02-23-22

Erotic Journal Challenge: Erotic Blueprint Quiz

I wasn’t surprised by my results for the Erotic Blueprint Quiz. I’m a people-pleaser after all, and that includes indulging a partner’s sexual whims if it piques my fancy. Results for the Erotic Blueprint Quiz* As a Shapeshifter Type™ you’re the most sophisticated of all the Blueprints. You’re turned on by the whole erotic palette. You can…

Erotic Journal Challenge: Plan ahead for the coming week

Erotic Journal Challenge: Plan ahead for the coming week

Yes, I know this is a day late, it’s okay. I planned it that way. No, I’m not joking. Prompt: Plan ahead for the coming week. Goals? Considerations? What will you do differently? The Same? I’m not a planner. Or a plotter. I’m a gardener leaning into being an architect. What does that mean really?…

Erotic Journal Challenge Prompt 2/17/22

Erotic Journal Challenge – February 17th 2022

I just recently found the Erotic Journal Challenge on Instagram! Thank you for following me on that account, Brigit! I look forward to seeing your prompts. XoXo Prompt: Do you save certain things for special occasions? Impose limits? Create boundaries? Tell yourself no? Wow. This hits me on so many levels, I had to give…