Author: Mischa Eliot

☄Author of Erotic Romance😏 🎧Quiet Cohost of #TheSexualitySpace❤ 🖱Virtual Assistant🔎 ⚙Jill of Many Skills💻 🌱Plant Momma🌾 🐺Lover of Wolves💝 💋She/Her🧷
Adventures in Writing

Adventures in Writing: Pornography vs. Erotica

Pornography vs. Erotica – an erotica author’s thoughts More often than not, people will tell you that all erotica is pornography. That there isn’t a definitive difference between the two. It’s black and white. Not true, though. It’s more than black and white; and it’s more than shades of gray. Yes, I purposefully spelled gray…

I leaned forward and bit his lower lip, slid my tongue along his teeth when he groaned.

Masturbation Monday: Spontaneous Combustion – Part One

Welcome to Masturbation Monday! I hope today finds you happy and horny. If you’re lacking either, the story below might light some fire and cause a little… combustion. I shoved Ian up against the wall and giggled. Going straight for his belt, I leaned forward and shoved my tongue into his ear as a distraction….

A Penny for your Thoughts

A Penny for Your Thoughts: The New Year Resolution Trap

Prolific A friend of mine found a way to have a New Year Resolution without actually making resolutions. Instead of saying “I’m going to exercise more.” or “I’m going to spend less.” or “I’m going to learn how to do {insert wishful thinking here}.” you choose one word to help you grow throughout the year….

Sharing is Caring: Featuring Dr. J

Sharing is Caring: Featuring Dr. J

Here we go my lovelies! Another awesome erotica author worth your precious reading time. Meet Dr. J. She’ll tantalize you with a little bit of teasing and a lot of hot, naughty sex. Please enjoy this Excerpt from Topping You included in the perma-free anthology Women on Top. “Mr. Lewis, your desires are clear. I’ll…

A Penny for your Thoughts

A Penny For Your Thoughts: Cliches and Tropes

You’ve heard ‘that’s been done (or said) a million times already’. However, the reason that tropes and clichés work is because they’re clichés and tropes.  You just have to find your own unique way of twisting them. Think about it… every sitcom has zingers and one-liners. Look at 2 Broke Girls compared to Mike &…