Author: Mischa Eliot

☄Author of Erotic Romance😏 🎧Quiet Cohost of #TheSexualitySpace❤ 🖱Virtual Assistant🔎 ⚙Jill of Many Skills💻 🌱Plant Momma🌾 🐺Lover of Wolves💝 💋She/Her🧷
A Penny for your Thoughts

A Penny For Your Thoughts: Cliches and Tropes

You’ve heard ‘that’s been done (or said) a million times already’. However, the reason that tropes and clichés work is because they’re clichés and tropes.  You just have to find your own unique way of twisting them. Think about it… every sitcom has zingers and one-liners. Look at 2 Broke Girls compared to Mike &…

Beware of Scams: Cover Designers — Nicci Haydon

Beware of Scams: Cover Designers — Nicci Haydon

I’m sharing this because people need to know. There are so many out there willing to take advantage of a new author and it’s sickening. Authors need to step up more and share both the good and bad experiences with both self- and traditional-publishing. Whether it’s an editor who won’t get back to you, a…

StoryQuote: It was difficult to take my time and savor this man, but I fought with everything I had to do just that.

Masturbation Monday: Fucked by the Fire Excerpt

“That’s right, stroke it.” Roman’s words came out hushed, but sounded strained. His head fell back as he enjoyed the feel of my hand running up and down his length. I reached deeper, letting his meat go and played with his balls. His eyes rolled wild under closed lids and he swallowed hard. I moved…

Bending over, I flicked, licked, and sucked his nipples until they were standing at attention again and clamped them.

Masturbation Monday: Flipping the Switch: Part Six

Welcome to the climax of Flipping the Switch. It’s been one hell of a ride and I hope you’ve enjoyed every single thrust, moan, and thwack. Next week will feature something Halloween related. A little scary and a lot saucy. “Oh, fuck,” he shuddered and writhed beneath me as the feeling came back into his…

Featured from Elsewhere: Free today – Pittsburgh Tales — Nicci Haydon

Featured from Elsewhere: Free today – Pittsburgh Tales — Nicci Haydon

Don’t miss it! Read Pittsburgh Tales while I’m in Pittsburgh! It’s Free Today on Amazon! Did you know that Pittsburgh is the only city that has an entrance? That’s right, you can’t see it until you’re already inside it’s boundaries. Free for one day, usually $1.99. via Free today – Pittsburgh Tales — Nicci Haydon

Bending over, I flicked, licked, and sucked his nipples until they were standing at attention again and clamped them.

Masturbation Monday: Flipping the Switch – Part Four

Here you go my lovelies! Part Four of Flipping the Switch. Will Grant be able to please his Kitten without using his hands? Let’s find out. I shimmied up his body, leaving a trail along his abs and chest. I pulled myself up using the headboard and shoved glistening goodness into his face. “I think…

I wanted to smack him with the crop, but it was best if we discussed the rules before I started officially doling out punishment.

Masturbation Monday: Flipping the Switch – Part Three

Here’s Part Three of Flipping the Switch. If you haven’t read Part One, please start there. Now that Grant has accepted that he’s on bottom, how will his kitten take advantage? Grant started getting into it, writhing against my caresses and I paused. I pinched his nipples hard and he cried out in pain, tears welled…