Happy #NationalAuthorsDay!
Not only is it the first day of NaNoWriMo, it’s also National Author’s Day!

How do you celebrate today? By visiting the websites and/or blogs of your favorite authors, leaving comments, clicking links to their books and making purchases. If you already have all of their stories then share those links with friends and family you think would enjoy the stories as well.
It’s kind of hard to do that if you’re into some kind of kinky furry meets sissy erotica, though. Right? If that’s the case, you can always share those buy links elsewhere. If you’re part of a group, maybe you’d be allowed to share them there. If your group doesn’t allow anything that’s not free, then maybe just linking to their blog would be allowed. I offer free stories here on the block – complete stories, not just dead ends that lead nowhere. I also offer free excerpts to stories that are for sale. Everyone can make a full decision whether or not to purchase what I’ve got for sale, but I certainly don’t make it necessary.
Do I want you to buy my stories? Absolutely. And I’d love it if you’d leave a review as well. You should do that as often as possible. If you don’t want to leave a review on an Erotica book, then email the author asking them to keep it anonymous. You can also use comments on their website or the contact form if they have one. If that’s too much work, you could always change your name to some version of “Anonymous” on the website you purchase books from. (I know that’s possible on Amazon.)
So go out there and pimp out your favorite author! Or… well, their books. And remind those that you’re pimping those books out to that Reading is Sexy, but Leaving a Review is Irresistible.