
cover for maintenance men one

Revelry Island: Maintenance Men One – Chapter One (WIP)

Savannah Tapping endlessly on the screen wasn’t working. An error pops up. “No internet… ?” Raising my voice, I stretch just enough to get a glimpse of my host. “Leo, your internet is down.” I tap the screen a few more times, regardless. Glutton for punishment? Sometimes. “No, I turned it off.” A glass of…

Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020

Adventures in Writing: Bye, 2019, Farewell

Goodbye 2019, Farewell. I bid you adieu! さようなら! I am booting 2019 out of the door as quickly as possible. #SorryNotSorry! I look forward to 2020, but hey, let’s give 2019 a proper farewell party okay? Top Stories from 2019 Smuttylicious Island meets the Sisters in Smut That’s not all that happened in 2019. I…

Mural near JAX Bus Station

A Penny for Your Thoughts: Smothering Wet Blanket

Hello there and welcome back. First, let me attempt to apologize for neglecting this space. I’ve been dealing with a crazy emotional fallout period. I feel like the smothering wet blanket has finally lifted. Sorry, it happens to me a lot and I usually push through. This time, I couldn’t. Second, a lot has been…

Adventures in Writing

Adventures in Writing: Soak it in the Muse Juice

Yes, I said it again. And I’ll keep saying it. MUSE JUICE. I don’t know where the fuck it came from, but apparently my brain has latched on like a leech in a precarious area you can’t quite reach. If someone tells you they’re having a difficult time writing, believe them. Something happened and things…

A Penny for your Thoughts

A Penny for your Thoughts: Here’s looking at you, 2019

Looking back at all the times I let procrastination win in 2018 means one thing in 2019… It has GOT TO GO. I procrastinated so much in 2018 that the entire year almost feels a complete waste. Whether this means using a pomodoro timer or the annoying one on the microwave I use while cooking,…