adventures in writing

Screenshot of Wrong Number on the Rosy App

How to Gain Sexual Empowerment with Rosy Wellness

Who is Rosy? We create solutions to empower women on their journey toward sexual wellness. -Rosy Wellness Right now, in the world we live in, sex education, empowerment, and freedom are being undermined again. Rosy is one of the companies standing tall to help women find their sexual well-being in a world that wants to…

Adventures in Writing: The Last Thing I Learned

Adventures in Writing: The Last Thing I Learned

What is the last thing you learned? You want to know what I learned most recently? That butter IS good for me. Well, fictionally speaking. This title has been mentioned to me by friends, someone running writing conventions, amazon, and I’m sure the universe. The last time when I saw the title mentioned in another…

Adventures in Writing

Adventures in Writing: Why you Need to Separate Professional & Personal

Separating your professional writing life from your personal life is a good idea, even if you don’t write super spicy stories full of sexcapades. Obviously, this doesn’t apply to all writers, so don’t whine at me. yes, my feisty pants are on today. Writing Life vs Personal Life If you’re using a pen name (or…

InkersCon Logo

InkersCon 2022: What I Love about the Digital Convention

The InkersCon Mission Statement says it all! “To spark the open exchange of information and inspiration through author networking and events.” Dr. J. introduced me to InkersCon. I knew I had to check it out. This is the second year I’ve been involved and it’s absolutely fantastic. The things I’ve learned not only help me…

Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020

Adventures in Writing: Bye, 2019, Farewell

Goodbye 2019, Farewell. I bid you adieu! さようなら! I am booting 2019 out of the door as quickly as possible. #SorryNotSorry! I look forward to 2020, but hey, let’s give 2019 a proper farewell party okay? Top Stories from 2019 Smuttylicious Island meets the Sisters in Smut That’s not all that happened in 2019. I…