Masturbation Monday: Audio Porn

Listening to your lover can be one of the hottest things ever. But what if your lover wasn’t in the room while you were listening?

Story Quote Masturbation Monday Audio Porn
My entire body shuddered and I was swept away on a tide of pleasure.

Almost scraping the side of my beloved Maserati, I hit the brakes. Being late was the worst thing ever for me and tonight was date night! He was on tonight and it was supposed to be live. I hoped to all hell the conversation / interview in the beginning would run a little long.

Grabbing all of my crap from the passenger side, I hopped out of the vehicle and headed for the locked door. It only took me twice to unlock the damn door, but I shoved my way in, slamming it tight behind me, then flipping the lock. I made it up the handful of steps and officially into the house, then dropped everything right there. I headed for the bedroom, kicking off my heels and opening the app at the same time. Multi-tasking was a specialty.

Tossing the phone on the bed, I stripped, throwing clothes into the hamper. I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard two people speaking conversationally. I had made it. They were chatting about what he would be reading. Skin of my teeth.

My favorite toy was never far away and within moments I was snuggled comfortable on the bed, pillows in just the right places, when the narrator started speaking. His voice thrilled me to my toes. Husky, warm, tingling all those nerves in a way that no other man was able to. And then he started reading.

Taking a few more moments, I plugged in my best headset and felt as though he was only speaking for my pleasure. I moaned in absolute need as he started out the story, slow and teasing. I never missed an episode. Any novel he narrated was on my phone for the time between episodes of new readings. I had my favorites downloaded and backed up.

Many lonely nights were soothed by his smooth-spoken words, tantalizing temptations as they brought me to completion. It wouldn’t be any different tonight. It never took him long to get to the sexy bits of the story and this one heated me up fast. When the woman in the story was being spanked, I spanked myself. When her nipples were being sucked, I licked my fingers and did my best to simulate it. I touched myself, following the details of the story, as best I could.

When it came time, I turned on the toy and teased myself even more. Vibrations against my nipples, along my collarbone, ribs, and working my way down to my mound. Taking every word in, letting them ripple over my being, I got myself hotter than the sun.

As I slid the toy up inside, then out and over my clit, following a specific pattern to keep me on the edge, he said the magic words. “Come for me, baby. Come now.” And I came. My entire body shuddered and I was swept away on a tide of pleasure. Panting, I hit the power button to turn off the toy. I tore off the headphones. That was all I needed to hear. I’d listen to the after thoughts later.

I looked up when I smelled the clean scent of my sweet man standing over me, naked and ready. “Was it all you needed love?” I couldn’t take my eyes off his hand as he stroked himself slow and steady.

“I thought it was live?” My voice was raspy, so I repeated myself in case he didn’t hear me.

“It was, but with a good head start just in case there were any tech issues. I’ve been watching you for about five minutes now.” That voice, his voice. I needed nothing more to make me melt into a puddle. I reached for him.

“Why are you just standing there? Get me off. Again.” He needed no other push to join me in our bed and as he pressed kisses along my skin and stroked me with firm fingers, he told me everything he was going to do to me in that warm, husky voice.

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