Erotic Journal Challenge: Sex Personality Test

Queendom’s Sex Personality Test is today’s Erotic Journal Challenge
I’m not sure why, but the link worked for me yesterday but not today. I went to the Queendom website, but couldn’t find a direct link (maybe it’s named something else) to the sex personality test. So, I did what I always do: I googled.
Here is the link to the Queendom Sex Personality Test

I received a 77% on the quiz. I am still pondering my results. Here they are for you to ponder as well:
Your results on this test suggest that you are fairly open-minded when it comes to sexuality.
You seem to enjoy new experiences within the realm of sex, although there may be a few “taboo” sexual behaviors that cross your personal threshold of comfort.
However, even if you aren’t comfortable with a particular ingredient of sex, you’re generally not one to judge those who indulge themselves.
Overall, you are not threatened by the diverse sexual tastes that make this world go round. In fact, you’re likely willing to tolerate sexual behavior that colors outside the lines of “normalcy”, as long as both partners are into it.
(Just make sure to be just as respectful and tolerant of those who aren’t as sexually liberal as you!)
Sex Personality Test Results Thoughts
I didn’t like the word ‘tolerate’ being used for some reason. It made me feel like I’m being told I force myself to accept something I wouldn’t do… but honestly, I just accept it. There’s no tolerate about it. And if it’s people I know and love, then I probably celebrate it.
I’m not going to yuck anyone’s yum. And I certainly won’t care if someone isn’t as open-minded as I am. I will help them find resources if they’re interested in learning something outside their norm, but you do you, I’ll do me, and we can just be.
I’m a little sensitive today, so perhaps I’m reading more into it than I normally would.
Did you take the sex personality test?
What were your thoughts? Did you feel compatible with your results? Let me know in the comments!