The 6 Million Dollar Question: Why Write Smut?

A Penny for your Thoughts

I’m an introvert that, for the most part, hates people. Now wait, don’t go away! Just give me a minute to explain. People are simple and complicated at the same time and I’ve dealt with a lot of people. Years of being a receptionist in previous day jobs does that to you. You will deal with all kinds of people over the phone and at the desk. You’ll deal with coworkers who expect more of you when you’re already juggling the phone, the customer at the window, the incoming mail, and that one person who keeps hollering questions at you about where someone is or how to spell something. It’s a wonder I’m not a horror writer… so why smut?

I’ve told people over the years when they ask me what I do in my off-time that I write. Some of them are all ‘Oh wow, that’s cool. I’ve always wanted to write, but (insert excuse here)’. And then there are the ones who are a little more intrigued and ask what I write. Depending on how I feel about them – on top of being an introvert I’m also sensitive to others in a way that most people don’t understand – I may tell them I write trashy romance. I might tell them straight out that I write smutty erotica. I may even give them a copy of a story to show them what I write, depending on who they are and all.

However, then there are the other people. The ones I don’t want to know what I write or that I even write. So when those people ask me “So what did you do this weekend?” my answer tends to be ‘Nothing much, just enjoyed a quiet weekend.’ because I don’t feel they are the type of person that wants to know I pounded a 5000 word story about coworkers fucking in the office or 7500 words of a college student being spanked by her professor due to a bet/dare or a 3000 word quick hot smutty story about a young woman’s first time being with the guy she’s been crushing on for as long as she can remember.

And yet, I still haven’t answered the BIG question: Why write smut? For as long as I can remember, my mind has always been a little twisted, a little dirty, and forever with a neuron stuck in the gutter. When reading romance novels I always wanted a little more. It was never hot enough. Okay, so I’m being nice to myself right now. My mind is a dark, twisted, sexually intrigued place. At any given moment of the day I’m thinking about sex. The coworkers who know me well enough will make a comment, something that totally crosses the line, and I laugh, and sometimes take it a step further.

On another note, I tend to have violent thoughts. There are people in the world, that if it were a different type of place, I wouldn’t hesitate to erase from existence. I would also take my time doing so. Yes, I should probably, could possibly, write horror. But, erotica is so much more fun and if there is something that I learned from an old saying about Two Wolves and how the one that wins is the one you feed… I’d rather feed the one that makes me laugh, get aroused sexually, and not be stuck in a violent mindset all the time.

Question: What do you write and why do you write? Feel free to share in the comments or link to your post on this topic.

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  1. I do not write often.
    I never could maintain the discpline required to conduct a project up to its completion.
    And I have ideas that come in English but it is not my natural language. In French, I am uninspired.

      1. For some reason, I have read more original and unique things in English than in French. Especially since I have been reading so much indie productions.
        I am not saying that everything that is written in French is bad. However I find that “good” authors are often pompous and “trendy” authors are often boring or even bad.
        I have a blog in French. I don’t maintain it much because I don’t really have an audience. Maybe everything will fall back into place soon ?

          1. Actually I started reading in English mostly due to:
            1) A teacher in high school introduced us to Sherlock Holmes short stories. This taught me that reading books in English was possible
            2) I read some book by Raymond E. Feist in French and did not like the style. I did not know whether it was because of a bad translation or because the original style was not good. So I chose to skip one possible level of “noise” and started reading books in English.
            After that I lost touch with most (current) French writers. I am not saying that all of them are bad, but they are not well known to the public.

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