Book Review: Scarlet Letter Storm by Mary T. McCarthy
Scarlet Letter Society Book 3 – Scarlet Letter Storm Review

I was provided an advanced reader copy of the Scarlet Letter Storm in return for an honest review. I’ve been reading Mary’s writing for quite a long time now. I never get tired of her humor and realistic look at the things going on in her life and around her.
If you’ve read the first two Scarlet Letter Society books then you’ll be gnawing at the bit to find out what happens next. So click that Buy button because you will not want to miss the end of the Scarlet Letter Society Trilogy.
Maggie, Eva, and Lisa have been through so much. Lies, love lost, death, and love regained. Not to mention the scandalous affairs of Kellie, Rachel, and Jeanne. Yep, you get to find out what happens to those three in this book. The things I had hoped would happen and what happened are fairly different, but hot damn, this read was a fun ride. Such a rollercoaster (and I dislike rollercoasters) of emotion.
The Characters
You’ll find yourself laughing at Maggie’s crass but sharp humor. You’ll feel Eva’s distraught and hormone-fueled indecision about who the father of her baby might be. You’ll be uplifted and smile when you see just how amazing Lisa’s life has become.
We can’t forget about Zarina and Jo, now can we? Zarina is back and she’s started a little side business with Jo that delves into the feminine side of the BDSM lifestyle. Oh yes, you can’t miss out on that. You’ll be squirming in your seat, crossing your legs, and fanning yourself when reading those parts.
Kellie, Jeanne, and Rachel are all moving on as best they can after having their lives torn asunder. Kellie seems to be doing better than the others. She’s found new love and even though she hasn’t left the suburb behind. Jeanne is back in rigid control even after finding out all the details about her husband’s activities. She struggles to hold her head up, but is on the way to becoming whole again. I have to admit, I loved Rachel’s secret in SLS2 and hated her addiction problem. I was hoping that she would find a way to fight it. She’s on the Island poking her nose into places it doesn’t belong again, but gets sidetracked. If you’re like me, you’ll root for her, too.
In the end, there’s tragedy, but there’s also new life and happiness. If there’s anything I’ve learned from reading these books the best way to get through life is to seize what makes you happy, but try not to hurt anyone along the way.
On another note, if you’ve read the first two you’ve already learned words like Thunder Cunt and Cuntasaurus Rex. Mary doesn’t disappoint in this one either with a new word for your SLS Vocabulary! Also, look closer at the image above and you’ll see the line that never fails to make me giggle.