
Reviewed: New Release: Gifts from the Old God — Nicci Haydon

If you haven’t been paying attention (which you really should be) you’ll already know who Nicci Haydon is. She’s an amazing Erotica Author that explores various kinks and fetishes. Her writing will pull you in and when you’ve come out of it, you’ll be sitting in a puddle of your own desire. You won’t know how it happened, but you’ll be completely satisfied and maybe a little embarrassed when it happens. Especially if you’re reading her in a public place. (I’ve had to stop reading her at work.. heh.)

Now she’s out with her third published work: Gifts from the Old God. It’s sensually arousing in a way you can’t imagine until you read it. Even if you aren’t interested in tentacle sex, you will enjoy the story. She takes something that is terrifying and turns it into a sensual fuck fest. People are fucking in the streets. Will the Old God rise and take humanity back into the Dark Ages? Will Juliana give into her deepest, darkest, frightening desires? You won’t know what the ending is until you get there.

Oh yes, and don’t forget the bonus stories! There are those as well featuring other characters seen within the story that aren’t explored. Yum, the three students in the library… and the couple in the study… so many hot desires explored in this book how could you not want to take a peek?

I give Gifts from the Old God 5 stars for ratcheting up my desire, peaking the thrillseeker inside me, and giving me an ending that kept me aching for more.

A tale of tentacle sex and cosmic terror.

via New Release: Gifts from the Old God — Nicci Haydon

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