Publishing Old Stories on Medium

Since I haven’t been writing I have given up the M.J. Spencer author name. I’ve removed the titles (or at least put them back in draft-mode everywhere because there is no such thing as deletion) from Amazon and Smashwords.
I’ve also removed the author pages on both platforms as well. Instead, the old stories from the M.J. Spencer name are going to be published on Medium.
All 10, yes, all TEN, of the Fix-It Fast stories are there now. Of course, I posted them and then there were a couple of authors who were punished by Stripe through Medium for posting erotica. They have been reinstated on Medium, so that’s good news.
Want to read the Fix-It Fast Series?
Eventually, I’ll post the Public Affairs: a bundle of erotic tales there as well. Right now, I’ve been a little busy.
I’m working on a new business helping indie authors. I’m working on getting my certification from Hootsuite for social marketing. I still have many videos at InkersCon to watch.
I’m also working on a trilogy from an idea The Roommate gave me a couple of years ago if I can get myself to actually write. I have lots of little scenes and random snippets.
Website Changes
I’m sure you’ve noticed the changes to the header and tagline and a slight change with the website drapery.
I also want to remake my category title images and I have no idea what direction to take that. I suppose I could just use stock photos as post images but I kind of like having the featured image be something recognizable as a category image. I know, I think I’m alone there.
Revue Newsletter
If you check my sidebar, you’ll see the newsletter signup link for Mischa’s Musings. I will try to do one near the end of each month to recap things happening in my social media world, things coming up, and whatever else catches my fancy.
I think I would like to create a meme, but that’s all I’ve got in terms of doing so. I’m not sure why this idea is still poking at me.
There are a lot of writing-related memes out there, many that don’t hold interest or ones that I didn’t know existed but are no longer active.
I think it would be monthly instead of weekly so as to not cause pressure on myself and any potential participants.
If you have any thoughts, feel free to pipe up in the comments or direct message me on twitter.
I’ve finally started reading again in earnest. I finished rereading The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan. Even if you don’t write High Fantasy this series is breathtaking when it comes to character creation, storytelling, and keeping me enthralled. I’m both curious and afraid of how Amazon will portray it in the series they’re creating.
I’ve also dropped back into The Hollows and recently finished listening to American Demon. I went right into Million Dollar Demon this morning. I was both sad and satisfied with the ending of The Hollows Saga but I’m also happy about it resurfacing.
It would definitely be a book series I’d love to see portrayed in a series.
Other Thoughts
I thought about limiting my posts via email and adding the read more break, but have decided against it.
I feel people may want to read them in places they can’t visit a website containing adult content and the best way for them to do so would be in email.