Featured from Elsewhere: FrolicMe: Set Free by Mischa Eliot

Yes, you can now find my stories over at FrolicMe! Here’s a snippet of what I wrote.


As my knees gave out, his entire hand vibrated my pussy while the tip of his finger pressed against my hot button, I drenched the hand between my legs and the smell of sex filled the kitchen. His other arm held me so that I didn’t fall and I felt protected with his strength. A rush of adrenaline at being controlled by him, my desire at his whim, encompassed me, pushing my climax to dizzying heights. I rested against him for a moment and he held me close.

“Thank you so much,” the words came out as a hoarse whisper. I was still remembering how to breathe. The scratchy hair of his chest against my soft skin kept the flame of desire hot within my belly. I wanted more. I wanted so much more. I thought about how we’d finally reached this point in our relationship.

Here’s a link: (Membership Required) Set Free by Mischa Eliot on FrolicMe.Com

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