Adventures in Writing: Bye, 2019, Farewell
Goodbye 2019, Farewell. I bid you adieu! さようなら! I am booting 2019 out of the door as quickly as possible. #SorryNotSorry!

I look forward to 2020, but hey, let’s give 2019 a proper farewell party okay?
Top Stories from 2019
- Fucked by the Fire Excerpt – [Edit 2022] Eventually, I’ll have to put up the entire story, won’t I?
- Kink Crawl – Part 2 – that means many of you hit the blog for part two but didn’t go back to part one, but that’s okay, it’s next on the list. I’m sorry I haven’t worked on this title at all. I really want to get back into it because Van and Jan are wonderful. And I apologize for the names, omfg. I did not even think about the ridiculousness.
- Kink Crawl – Part 1 – reading out of order means you have no back story. It also means I will double-check that I linked the existing stories together. Apologies if I didn’t – it’s been a roller coaster of a year.
- Kink Crawl – Part 3 – Well, technically it’s titled Flashing Back to when Van and Jan originally met. Sorry about those names again, dammit.
- Flipping the Switch – Part 4 – Really? I’m going to go on a whim here and think many of you may have reread part 4 without rereading the rest of the story. That’s okay. It’s also available in ebook form.
Smuttylicious Island meets the Sisters in Smut
That’s not all that happened in 2019. I mean, yes, I flubbed the year. #EpicFailForeverEver. BUT, I did put out an amazing anthology with the Sisters in Smut. And yes, it IS amazing, both the writing and the fact that we did it. We also held an event on Smuttylicious Island that included education, reading snippets from the stories, and a meet and greet. I think there was wine. I know we signed autographs, too. It was overwhelmingly wonderful.
And, in case you somehow missed the news, Chemical [se]X 2: Just One More is available in paperback and in Kindle Unlimited.
Dorian vs Mischa: I had an epic date with a hurricane and the hurricane said NAH.

Yeah, that’s right, I was ghosted by a hurricane. Dr. J.’s amazing partner somehow got away with giving her a horrible birthday gift this year. Me. Yeah, me. Somehow he convinced her that this was the best gift he could get her. Crazy woman went with it. I don’t know what she was thinking. She could’ve had another vacation in some far off locale, but no, she was over the moon.
On a serious note though, folks, people are still suffering effects of the hurricanes of several years now. Many locations haven’t recovered before being hit with another catastrophe. And remember, just because the catastrophe is gone, doesn’t mean they’re back to normal. Please look at your life and finances and see if you’re able to give a little to a reputable charity.
My 2019 in Music and People
The first song on my 2019 Top Songs with Spotify is Jade by X Japan. I’m honestly not surprised. It’s one of my favorites. My second is After Light by HYDE. Following that is Halestorm’s Do Not Disturb and Black Vultures, then back to HYDE with Kiss of Death.
I’ve been super picky with music. And, this isn’t a full year with Spotify. I haven’t had it for a year, just a few months. Also, I’m really surprised that Marilyn Manson wasn’t in my top 5. He’s definitely in my top 10. I mean, I listen to his complete discography when I need to mellow out. Jayne introduced me to Ghost, who we saw live with Halestorm prior to Smuttylicious Island Time.
I also meant one of the most powerful people ever, Anne Stagg. If you haven’t been reading her, you’re missing the fuck out. She is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. If you need someone to stand on your mountain, hold your hand, or tell you that you need to write that thing, she’s great at all of these things. Her partner, her Honey, he’s also a sweetheart and I love the way he loves her – completely. They opened their home to us and made us feel so very welcome. I’m not crying, you’re crying!
You can also find me on Medium
Yes, I started writing on Medium. Why? Because they pay for a small monthly fee and so far… I’ve made enough to pay for a year in 6ish months.
My first post Stop Disparaging Erotica was curated by the Sexuality group. Since then I’ve written other articles about sex and writing and some other non-fiction topics. Weird, I know. I do have one erotic story on there called Threeway by the Highway. It’s about two bikers, a bet, a stranger, and it’s naughty as fuck. There’s another story that I had on Radish called Rough Riders and the two bikers are from that story. I need to republish Rough Riders because that story helped create Threeway by the Highway. [Edit: You can now find Rough Riders on Medium!]
Unexpected Things Happen
I had an unexpected move, too. Of course, I was informed the same day that I had applied for my passport card. So, money down the drain there because I’m going to have to change that, too. I also need to update my license still but I decided to wait on that a little longer. I’ll do it around my birthday next year. I’m in a new space and… well, I haven’t killed any neighbors yet, but there is one just begging to be taken out. Verbal abuser, argues with their partner(?) on the regular. Woke me up at 2am with them yelling in the hallway. No respect for anyone else. So yeah, more energy-draining drama. Manager told me to call the cops if it happens again and the emergency line. We’ll see what happens.
Goodbye, 2019. You held many good things with good people, and good experiences.
But you also just about broke me and I can’t have that. I stopped writing for the most part. The things I have written are not up to par for me, but I did write and I put myself out there. It’s more than most people do when it comes to writing. I found out that I have another coworker who writes. That is the best feeling ever. I passed along All The Things and they were thankful. i hope it helps get them geared up for 2020 and writing.
All the Things: BadRedHead Media, Dr. J.’s highlighting tricks, writing tips for screenplays, why authors need a website and social media. You know, the basics.
I still don’t have a word for 2020, but I’m not going to worry about it because I couldn’t remember my word for 2019 and then when I looked for the post from the end of 2018, I actually got it wrong when I told someone else. So yeah, fuck it. I’m going into 2020 blank like a new document.
Happy new year Mischa, wishing you all the best for 2020
Thanks, John! Cheers to a productive and prosperous 2020. 🙂