Smutty Thought of the Day: What is it?

I, the SmutMerchant™, bring you Smutty Thought of the Day.
Shaunta Grimes’ started a serial called “Should You Start Writing on Medium in 2020?” and in the first post she included a quote by Seth Godin. He says [in plain, short terms] that everyone should have a blog and everyone should blog every day. I can’t tell you how reading this made me instantly think ‘smutty thought of the day’ needs to be a thing, but that’s how my mind works. Hey, I just do what the voices tell me.
[*Okay, not always, because jail.]I agree with most of this. I’ve flubbed 2019.
I keep trying to get back on the horse but the horse shifts and I’m caught in the stirrup, ever circling and unable to get a good seat, let alone on the horse. While I agree that everyone should write in some form, whether it be a personal journal or a blog, or something in between, I disagree that it has to be a blog on the internet for all to read.
Many people fear being outed when they’re writing reviews on sex toys and erotic stories or writing smut. I could not imagine writing a real life blog ever again. Yeah, been there, done that, not my thing. Even though I wasn’t 100% forthcoming, it felt like I was putting too much of my personal self out there. #Introvert
It also felt like it was lying on some level because I wasn’t being 100% forthcoming.
Anyway, this has nothing to do with the Smutty Thought of the Day category I’ve now added. I’ve created this category to share my own smutty thoughts, along with the smutty thoughts that others share with me. Oh, and the ones that pop into my head because of something said of the non-smutty variety.
Honestly, I wish I had thought of it awhile back. My coworkers are a fountain of crazy smutty thoughts, questions, and sometimes they push my limits. Like, I’m the one who writes smut and they’re having more fun than me. How is that even possible? Oh wait, it’s because we’re all a bunch of gutter-minded people. We came together in this crazy place to survive by entertaining ourselves instead of crying in the corner. Or committing a felony.
I guess we like raising some hell… I’ll start officially populating this topic in 2020. I mean, I can’t tap the keg too soon or I’ll just end up with foam before the end of the year.
Not sure exactly what constitutes a smutty thought. But ImI currently writing gay porn in the bathtub, so I figure that counts!
Oh, you’ll want to stay-tuned then. I’ve already been thinking about past conversations and have some excellent ideas for the starter posts. heh
only a little smut today. Mostly working on my 2020 organizational plan this week and next. But taking a break to read smutty blogs. As you can see I”m a little behind in my reading.
Just a little. *winks forever* love you.