PLAYING CUPID, Ch 37 of Consequences by M. Jane Colette #audiobook #steamylisten #hotread ConAudioTour

Welcome to Stop 37 & Chapter 37 of the Consequences AudioBook BlogTour
from CONSEQUENCES (of defensive adultery)
an EROTIC tragedy with a HAPPY ending
by M. Jane Colette
performed by Elisa Kae
18+ ADVISORY: Consequences is intended for an adult (18+) audience. It deals with mature subject matter, and contains explicit language and sexual content. Listener and reader discretion is advised.
The tour is bringing romance readers and listeners the opportunity to listen to all 48 full, unabridged chapters of Consequences well in advance of the audiobook’s Christmas release.
Plus, there are fabulous prizes at every stop–including a raffle for $50 Amazon Gift Card–and 48 chances throughout the tour to enter to win a COMPLETE set of M. Jane Colette’s paperbacks–so read through to the end so you don’t miss out!

An affair. HEARTBREAK. Consequences. ABSOLUTION, redemption, and LOVE… in the most unexpected places–a steamy second chance romance unlike any you’ve ever experienced… featuring an ALPHA lover-confessor you haven’t DARED dream about.
Elizabeth did not plan to break up his marriage when she had an affair with her law school professor. But she did. Fifteen years later, she’s still coming to terms with the consequences of her youthful infatuation: a stepdaughter who hates her, an ex-wife who will never forgive the betrayal, a sister-in-law who’s determined to make Elizabeth her confidante. Compelled to reveal the “tragedy of her life” to a nameless lover, Elizabeth finds herself forced to reconsider her definition of love, commitment, and responsibility—a process that finally releases her from the shackles of her past mistakes and shows her the way to her own happily-ever-after.
A NOTE ABOUT STRUCTURE: The story unfolds over the course of one night, as the narrator Elizabeth relates the “tragedy of her life” to her current lover as they, to quote a reviewer “do lover things.” The story Elizabeth tells spans 15 years. The scenes between Elizabeth and her lover are pure dialogue, and interrupt the “story proper.” There is no “he said/I said” in the dialogue between Elizabeth and her lover… a challenge the narrator solved masterfully, but which may give the first-time listener pause. To increase your enjoyment of the story, an opportunity to read, as well as listen to, the chapter, is provided.
Today, listen to Chapter 37: PLAYING CUPID:

If the audio link won’t work for you, click here:
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PREFER TO READ? We’re on it. Here is a password-protected link to the written version of this chapter for tour participants’ eyes only:
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★★★ ❤ CHAPTER 37: PLAYING CUPID (password: erotictragedy37 ) ❤ ★★★
❤ ❤ ❤
Enjoyed what you heard/read? The tour continues on Wed Nov 8 with Chapter 38 // EMASCULATION
hosted by Phoebe Alexander.
FIRST STOP: If this blog is your first stop on the tour, you might want to head back to stop number one, hosted by Tome Tender Blog: The Photograph, or to the Tour Home Page, and start from the beginning. There are chances to win prizes at every stop!
SPEAKING OF PRIZES: For a chance to win a copy of Consequences (of defensive adultery), M. Jane Colette’s other books, and an Amazon Gift card, enter here:
ENTER UNTIL 12:00 am Nov 29, 2017
PLUS: GRAND PRIZE TREASURE HUNT ENTRY, PART 37: For a chance to win a COMPLETE HARD COPY SET of M. Jane Colette’s novels, send an email to, and:
- put #ConAudioTour Day 37 in the subject heading,
- ask to be added to her Rough Draft Confessions newsletter (or tell Jane you’re already on her mailing list, and it’s awesome, when’s the next love letter coming?) and,
- answer the question: “Elizabeth, Elizabeth what have you done? And WHY?”
(The small print: Each tour stop offers you one opportunity to enter the GRAND PRIZE TREASURE HUNT DRAW, for a total of 48 entries if you complete the tour. The books that comprise the GRAND PRIZE are the novels Tell Me, Cherry Pie Cure, and Consequences, and the non-fiction collection of essays Rough Draft Confessions, including its controversially titled, available-only-in-Canada, beta reader / limited edition predecessor.)

including ❤ Amazon ❤ Google Play
Softcovers at all the usual places, including Chapters ❤ Amazon ❤ Barnes & Noble ❤ Book Depository ❤ Powell’s Books and your favourite retailer
sign up for M. Jane Colette’s Rough Draft Confessions to get advance notice of its release
REMEMBER: The story continues on Wed Nov 8 with Chapter 38 // EMASCULATION
hosted by Phoebe Alexander.

M. Jane Colette writes tragedy for people who like to laugh, comedy for the melancholy, and erotica for women and men who like their fantasies real. She believes rules and hearts were made to be broken; ditto the constraints of genres.
Connect with her on Twitter / GoodReads / FaceBook / Instagram and subscribe to her newsletter, Rough Draft Confessions, to stay in the loop on her WIPs, new releases, and fab multi-media, multi-author projects. You can also email her at
For more information about the tour & its other hosts, visit or check out the schedule below.
#ConAudioTour #SteamyListen #ListenToThis
visit for daily link updates

You made this look so pretty! Thank you so much for hosting, Mischa–I hope your readers enjoy this peek into Consequences and join us for the rest of the tour! See you on Twitter, darling! Jane
You have me wonderful materials to work with! 😄 Happy to have you on the site. Mwah!
Thanks for sharing this blog Jane! Masturbation mondays, yum!!
Had to go check out masturbation Monday’s lol! Awesome!