Masturbation Monday: Becoming

Welcome to Masturbation Monday! I know, you waited all week for this, but it’s finally here! If you ever need an excuse to have a hot one-handed read and a second glass of something strong, today is that day. Enjoy!

Story Quote Masturbation Monday Becoming
Wet warmth down my skin, along sensitive spots, making me shudder.

Wet warmth down my skin, along sensitive spots, making me shudder. Twitch and twist, pressing against, pulling away. Too much, but wanting more. Bound and open, only capable of minimal resistance. Fingers caress and pinch along their path, inciting moans and begging with every touch.

Eyes widen, lips part, bargaining turns into babbling. Feathers emerge to tickle and tease, nipples harden and nerves sizzle. Marked with fingerprints and teeth marks, claimed as yours. My name whispered into my ear as our flesh presses together. Becoming one, a slow burning flame. Built into an inferno, a wild fire, a blazing star. Collapsing into each other, rupturing and spreading across the universe.

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