The Final Countdown Begins

One Week
No, we’re not quoting Bare Naked Ladies.
In one week, I’ll be heading down to Smuttylicious Island!
I’ve had my head down so deep in projects offline that I looked up and said holy shiitake mushrooms, it’s only one more week?
Projects: The List
The Fiction Writer’s Sexuality Guide
We’ve officially finished all versions of The Fiction Writer’s Sexuality Guide!
You can preorder it now on Amazon! The paperback will be available on May 28th. There are bonus items, too! Visit Donna’s website to learn more.
We’ve officially jumped through the Flaming Hoops Submission Process for Ingram Spark. Now we wait….
So yes, that means when the book is approved and available, you’ll be able to walk into your favorite book store and request it.
The Cards of Passion Multi-Author Series
I am one of ten authors working on a story related to the Passion Reflection Deck for Women. You can find it on Deckible and MPC.
We’re writing stories that have to do with the main cards of the deck, and Donna is writing editing her story of the fictional way the card deck came into existence.
There will be a range of Romance + Sub-Genre stories in the series. Some will have linking places and/or elements, but all will contain the Passion Reflection Deck for Women.
I’m attempting writing a contemporary romance novella about a woman who doesn’t realize that she’s the problem, and when she faces this reality, she goes on a sabbatical to help her heal and become a better person. And maybe find some romance for now.
I could use some help. Please share your muses. Keep an eye out for more details to come as the series is due to start releasing weekly starting August 8th, 2024.
The Website
It’s been a long time coming… and I’ve switched from the Hueman Theme to Kadence. For some reason, their block plugin kept breaking my site. I deactivated almost all other plugins and something magical happened and everything works now.
It’s a work in progress. I lost my sidebar in the process and I need to rebuild it.
I’ll be rebuilding pages as well, and I’ll be leaving the Hueman Theme and Nimble Builder in the past.
Nothing against either of them. They’re great. I just feel it’s time to move on.
On that note, I’ve also left HostMonster for Hostinger. I’m getting a ton of services with them I had to pay for at Hostmonster, included in the lowest package. I have also used their LiveChat and the team members I interacted with were awesome.
While I was with HostMonster for several years, it feels like BlueHost has forgotten they exist, and their entire website could use an overhaul.
No hate. Just moving forward to keep up with current tech and trends.
Mischa’s Musings on Substack
Holy subscribers! I got an email yesterday from Substack to celebrate 100 subscribers. Today, I received an email about another subscriber.
Other than the musing I published the other day, I haven’t written there since August. And yet people keep signing up. Probably because I promised not to overwhelm them with multiple posts, reminders, etc.
I understand sending a reminder email a few months later, but if I delete a first email and receive the reminder email within a week, I get irked.
I know I subscribe to too many things. And I end up weeding them out by seeing who annoys me the most with multiple emails and multiple “oh hey you didn’t open the first one” reminders.
I get it. I really do. I also won’t be that person. Ever.
So yeah, if you see deletions in your newsletter stats, it might be me. Sorry, not sorry.
The Revelry Island Books
The Cards of Passion title I write will happen in the world of Revelry Island. Yes, I am still working on this series.
I keep working on the chapters for Maintenance Men One. And then I read posts on Reddit and wonder if there’s too much x and not enough y, and do I need more or less of z?
It’s a process. I love it, but it’s a painful love when you’re having a hard time just sitting down and making words appear.
The Kindle
My daughter has wanted to buy me a Kindle for years. She finally just did, along with 3 months of Kindle Unlimited, and I love it.
Which means I’ve been reading to completion or DNFing like a fiend. I was supposed to keep track of the books I’m reading since I don’t faithfully use Goodreads, but… oops. I’m sure I can update it.
I’m only two months behind.
That’s All, Folx!
Yep. There’s more that’s happened, like changing day jobs and exploring gig work, but no need to bore you more than I have.
Happy FriYay, Motherfuckers.