Nicci Haydon

Featured From Elsewhere: 14 Places To Get FREE Lesbian Erotica — Nicci Haydon

Featured From Elsewhere: 14 Places To Get FREE Lesbian Erotica — Nicci Haydon

Featured From Elsewhere: Nicci Haydon’s List of 14 Places to get FREE Lesbian Erotica Nicci, much loved by me, (she’s been with me since I embarked upon this erotica writing adventure) shares her knowledge when it comes to finding Lesbian Erotica. And, let me tell you, she knows her stuff! If you love lesbian stories,…

Featured from Elsewhere: Free today – Pittsburgh Tales — Nicci Haydon

Featured from Elsewhere: Free today – Pittsburgh Tales — Nicci Haydon

Don’t miss it! Read Pittsburgh Tales while I’m in Pittsburgh! It’s Free Today on Amazon! Did you know that Pittsburgh is the only city that has an entrance? That’s right, you can’t see it until you’re already inside it’s boundaries. Free for one day, usually $1.99. via Free today – Pittsburgh Tales — Nicci Haydon